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Jun 10 2021

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Establishing mutually beneficial relationships with your clients

As a financial advisor, Top of Table member Jovin Yeo believes a relationship is more than just sharing aligned goals.

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An MDRT member for 18 years, Jovin Yeo from Singapore strives to share a meaningful connection with her clients that is based on kindness and compassion.  

How does establishing rapport help to turn prospects into clients?  

Clients use logic when you talk to them about facts and statistics. However, a deeper connection is established when clients feel they are truly understood. This makes it easier for them to open up and talk about their concerns. They will share what they care about and talk about what keeps them awake at night. That’s when they will talk to us about their inner dreams and goals.  

What’s the most important thing when meeting a prospect for the first time? 

Before the actual meeting, I will qualify with a few questions to determine if they have concerns I can address at that time. I will also understand their profile so that I am able to speak their language. This is part of sales psychology and it works very well for me. 

Can you share an example of how a great relationship has helped your clients?  

In 2017, my client came to me with a 80% heart block. The private specialist quoted my client $80,000 to do a heart procedure. He asked me if I know of any other doctor for a second opinion. I recommended him to my client, who happens to be a cardiologist.  

My cardiologist client is a reputable doctor and his appointments have to be booked at least three months in advance. I called for a personal favour and he replied me the very next day, which happened to be a public holiday. He gave up his lunch time just to meet my client. 

On the day of the appointment, I accompanied my client and his wife to see my cardiologist client. What particularly touched me next was that my client and his wife invited me to join them during the private consultation with my cardiologist client. It meant a lot to me as it showed the trust they had in me and I am happy to be there for my clients, in good times and bad. 

My client had a successful operation done by my cardiologist client and the cost was less than $20,000. That $60,000 savings really meant a lot to his family as they have to take care of their son with cerebral palsy.  

What can financial advisors do to build relationships?  

First of all, work on your likeability and ability to connect fast. Many advisors tend to think that to be successful, they should focus their attention on acquiring more knowledge, attend more courses and spend on more trainings. I beg to differ.  

While the above is important to build up your competency, the lesser taught skills that one should pay attention to are soft skills and sales psychology.  

What do you say or do when clients or prospects ask you the following: 

  • So what do you do? 
  • You are the fourth advisor I’ve met. Convince me why I should do business with you. 
  • Let me think about it and come back to you. (But never did after that.) 

If you find yourself stumped with some of the questions, that shows there is still room for improvement. Soft skills and sales psychology are skillsets that are often overlooked but they are important factors to determine how fast you can build trust quickly with your clients. Having said that, soft skills are not easy to acquire and you need a good mentor to constantly guide you in this area.  

What have you learned about treating your client as more than just a client? 

I accept that in life, sometimes you win some and you lose some too. I never turn away my clients who need help. No matter how tedious the claims could be or how complex their problems could be, I will go the extra mile if I can help solve their problems. And that’s because I treat my clients like my extended family. 

In return, some of the most important takeaways I have developed is patience and having compassion for people. Always treat people with empathy and embrace an abundance mindset. 

Over time, clients will tap onto our positive energy when they are ready. 


Contact: MDRTeditorial@teamlewis.com